Smithe, Smythe, Smyth
These texts are all taken from the published records of Halifax parish, Yorkshire. I have kept the
spelling of those published texts, except that I have typed "v" for that letter in every case, whereas the published versions show "u". Footnotes are not my comments, but are all from the same source. The order on this page is chronological, beginning with the earliest will.
Will of JOHN SMYTHE, of Oveden
13 Aug 1534 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England
No. 189 in Halifax Parish Wills; Reg. Test. xi. 141
John Smyth, of Oveden, within the parishe of Halifax. To bee beried in the churche yearde of Saincte John Baptiste at Halyfax.
To Alice Townhende, doughter unto John Townhende, xx s to bee taiken and delivered to the saide Alice of the holl goodes aftre my decease. I will that the reversion of all the holl goodes, dettes paide, bee divided aftre my decease at the sight of foure credable neghbours, and the thyrde parte of all the said holl goodes I will hollye bee deliverede to Agnes Smythe, my doughter, for ande in full contentacone of all hir porcione or childes parte. And the reversione of all the saide goodes, legacye, dettes, etc., paide, I give hollye to William Smythe, my sone, wiche saide William Smythe I maike my executoure, to dispoise all the said goodes as he thinketh moste expedient for the hellthe of my soule.
Theise beeing witnesse Thomas Shaye, Rycherd Hillingworthe, William Hillingworthe, ande Rycharde Wodde.
Pr. Jun. 26, 1535, by William Smythe, son.
Will of JOHN SMYTHE, of Solande, chap. of Elande
6 May 1536 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England
No. 203 in Halifax Parish Wills; Reg. Test. xi. 221
John Smythe. To bee beryed in the churche yearde of oure Ladie in Elande. To John Smythe, my sone, v. marces in the handes of Gilberte Smythe, my sone. Resydewe of all my goodes to John Smythe, my sone, and Richard Wilkynson, my sone in lawe, whome I make
Theis wittenes, John Sayvell, Sir John Brokebanke, preiste, Nucholes Brokebanke, Henrie Felde.
Pr. Jan. 24, 1536, by John Smythe and Richard Wilkynson, sons.
18 Mar 1541 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England
No. 269 in Halifax Parish Wills; Reg. Test. xi. 600
John Smyth, of the paroch of Hallifax. To be buried in the churche yerde at Hallifax. And I bequeath to and for my mortuary accordinge unto the kinges actes fore that purpose inacted and made. Item I assigne unto Jennet, my wif, the thirde parte of all my goodes and dettes after the lawdable custome of Englande. The revercion of all my goodes and dettes I give to William, Robert, and John, my sonnes, and to Jennet, my doughter, equally to be devyded emonges theme. Item I ordan and make the saide Jennet, my wif, and William, Robert, John, and Jennet, my childer, my executors, whome I will order every of the premisses accordingly.
Thes witnesses, Richarde Best, Nicholas Jakson, and Richard Scherde.
Pr. May 20, 1542, by Jennet, relict, William, Robert, John, and Jennet Smyth, children.
Will of JOHN SMYTHE, of Lightclif
24 Nov 1542 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England
No. 283 in Halifax Parish Wills; Reg. Test. xi. 644
John Smyth, of Lightclif, within the parishe of Hallifax, at this present day sole and unmarried. To be buried in the parish churche yerde at Hallifax, unto the which I bequeath vj/s viij/d to be bestowed upon the most nedes of the same. Item I bequeath for my mortuarye accordinge unto the actes of oure soveraigne lorde the kinge for that purpose estableshed. Also I bequeath to the nedes or reparacon of Estfelde chapell vj/s viij/d. Item I bequeath to Sibell, my basterde doughter, sexe poundes thirten shillinges and foure pence. To William, my bastarde sone, twentie shillinges. To Nicholas Cooke on of my lether cottes. To John Kechyne one whitt cotte. To John Fornes one whitt coite. To Anne Kechyne one whitt cote. To Thomas Coke my blake jackett without sleves and my blake hatt. Forthermore I bequeath to every childe to the whome I am god father iiij/d. Item I assigne unto Thomas Smyth, my sone and here, all my meases, landes, and tenementes, beinge within the towhshipe of Hipperome, unto the whome I also give all my waynes, cartes, wheles, yokes, ploughes, harros, and all thinges appertenynge and belonginge to every of theme, and also all my tymber, cutt or uncutt. Forthermore I sett and assigne to John Smyth, my yonger sone, all my meases, landes, rentes, and tenementes beinge in Darbieshire for ever, if the kinges gracie maiestie statutes will suffer the same. I make the said John Smyth my sole executor unto the whome I bequeath the revercion of all my goodes. Item I will that ther be geven and devyded in the day of my buriall emonges my neghbours and other power and indigent folkes resortinge and comynge to the same fyve poundes. And if ther lyve any of the saide some I will that it go and be gyven towarde the paynge of other my dettes or legaces. My trustie frendes Richarde Rokes, of Idill, and Robert Smyth, my brother, supervisors, unto the whome I admitt and assigne the governance of the saide John Smyth, my sone, and of all his goodes duringe his nonadge. Item I give to the saide Richarde Rokes iij/s iiij/d, and to the saide Robert Smyth other iij/s iiij/d over and beyonde all other ther laufull and necessarie costes and expenses ever to be hade, borne, and alowed to theme of the saide revercion of my goodes, as they shall make or be at any tyme comynge concernynge the premisses, and duringe the nonadge of the saide John Smyth, my sone.
Thes witnesses, John Hemyngway, Richard Clif, Sir Jasper Hanson, and William Goodhall.
Pr. Jan. 9, 1542, by Richard Rokes and Robert Smyth, tutors or curators of John, son of dec., in minority.
Footnote: "1542 Nov 30. Joh'es Smyth de Hyperome, sepult."
He was probably the donor of a yearly rent charge of 6s 8d "out of his chief messuage called Royd House,"
mentioned in the original endowment of Lightcliffe Chapel. (Watson's "History of Halifax," p652)
Will of THOMAS SMITH, of Sowerby
17 Apr 1558 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England
No. 220 in Halifax Parish Wills; Reg. Test. xv.iii. 227
Thomas Smith, of Sowreby in the parishe of Halifax. To be buried in the churche yeard of Sancte John Baptiste at Halifax, and one mortuary to the vicar of the same church according to the kinges grace actes and statutes. Itm. I geve and bequeath to John Smith, my brother, one payre of wollen sheares. Itm. I geve to Isabell Firth, my servante, vj/s viij/d. Itm. I geve to Agnes Hucchinson vj/s viij/d. Itm. I geve to Robt. Crabtre my best jackett and a payre of hose clothe. To Henry Smithe, my brother, my best hoose. Itm. the residew of all my goodes I geve and bequeathe to Isabell Smithe, my wife, and Margret Smithe, my doughter, whome I do orden and make my tru and lawfull executrices, and thay to pay all my dettes and allso bring me furthe at my departing as shall beseme tham. Itm. I orden supervisors of this my last will John Hopleson, Edward Farrow, John Smithe, yongar, and John Smithe, my brother.
Thes beyng witnes, James Robinson, James Bothomlay, John Smithe, of Helme, th'elder, Thomas Sharpe.
Pr. Oct. 7, 1558, by Isabell, relict, power being reserved to Margaret, daughter, in minority.
Footnote: [Margaret's] father also settled certain lands upon her for life. Oct. 4, 2 Eliz. Thomas Smythe surrendered one messuage and 17 acres and 3 roods of land called Dereplay and 1.5 roods of land lately taken from the lord's waste in the graveship of Soureby late in the tenure of the said Thomas Smythe and Thomas Sharpe to the use of Margaret Smythe, dau of the said Thomas, and her assigns during her life, and after the death of the said Margaret the said messuage, etc., to remain to John Smythe and Henry Smythe and their heirs for ever, etc. (W.M.C.R.)
Pat's note: So says Halifax Wills. But 4 Oct 2 Eliz was 4 Oct 1560 and this Thomas's estate was probated 2 years earlier.
Will of WILLIAM SMYTHE, of Northowrom
16 Aug 1558 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England
No. 229 in Halifax Parish Wills; Reg. Test. xv.iii. 313
Willm. Smythe, of the towneshippe of Northowrom in the parishe of Hallifax. To be buried within the parishe churche or churche yerd of Hallifax among the bodyes of other faithfull Xpian. people. Also I do give unto the vicar of the same churche of Hallifax for my mortuary according to the actes of the parliament established in the reigne of King Henry the Eight. Also I will be brought furth of my holl goodes. Also I do give unto Margret, my wif, the third parte of all my goodes and dettes in full contentacon of her parte and dower according to the auncient custom of this ryalme of England. Furthermore I do give unto Margret, my wif, the holl profett and occupacon of my fermhold whiche I hold by lease and copie of the courte of Wakefeld of Ric. Sunderland during the tyme of her widohed, and if it shall please the said Margret to marrye at any tyme or if it shall happen her to dye within the terme of my lease, that then and from thencefurth I wyll all the holl occupacon, profett, and terme of yeres which shalbe unspent unto Luke Smyth and Robt. Smyth, my sones, and if it shall please God yt the sayd Luke Smyth and Robt. Smyth do dye before th'end of the said terme, then I will all suche profettes and terme of yeres as shall then be unspent unto Agnes Smyth and Grace Smyth, my doughters. Also I do give unto Agnes Smyth, my doughter, on cowe over and besides her child parte of goodes. The residew of all my goodes and dettes, my dettes and funerall expenses being clerly paid and discharged, I give unto Luke, Robt., Agnes, and Grace, my children, whom I do ordeyn my executors of all my goodes and dettes yt they dispose the same according to the pleasure of God and ther owne profettes. Also I do orden overseers of this my last will Edward Mawde, of Southorome, Barnard Smyth, my brother, and Edmund Mawde.
Thes witnesses, Henry Grymshawe, Wm. Smyth, John Thomas, Brian Sunderland.
Pr. Apr. 26, 1559, by Margaret, relict, tutrix of Luke, Robert, Agnes, and Grace, children of the dec., exors., in minority.