Watterhowse, Wattirhouse, Waterhowse, ...

These texts are all taken from the published records of Halifax parish, Yorkshire. I have kept the spelling of those published texts, with two exceptions: the location names are modernised in the will titles only; and I have typed "v" for that letter in every case, whereas the published versions show "u". Amounts have been noted with /li, /s, /d for pounds, shillings and pence, respectively. Footnotes are not my comments, but are all from the same source. The order on this page is chronological, beginning with the earliest will.


20 Jul 1481 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 42 in Halifax Parish Wills; Vol. V. 111

Robert Waterhouse of the parish of Halifax. I bequeath my body to be buried in the churchyard of Halifax. I leave to the Vicar of the aforesaid church my best beast for my mortuary. To Margaret Wood 2/s. To Thomas Horsfall one gown. Also I leave to the fabric of the belfry of Halifax Church 12/d. Residue of all my goods I place at the disposal of John Waterhouse my son and Johanna my wife, and make them executors.

Witnesses, John Haldeworth, Richard Waterhouse, and William Doughty.

Pr. Sept. 10, 1481.

Footnote: Probably the father of John Waterhouse of Newhouse, from whom descended the Waterhouses of Newhouse, Woodhouse, Bankhouse, and Skircoat.

Robert Waterhouse is my direct ancestor, through his son Gilbert. I haven't identified Robert's wife's family.


3 Feb 1484 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 45 in Halifax Parish Wills; Vol. V. 248

Richard Watterhouse of Warlay, parish of Halifax. I bequeath my body to be buried in the church or churchyard of St John Baptist of Halifax. I leave my best beast to Master Richard Symmys, Vicar of the aforesaid church, for my mortuary. I give and bequeath a certain book called "pars oculi " to the aforesaid church of Halifax. Also I leave ii/s vi/d to a certain House of friars in Tykhill. Also I give and bequeath to John my younger son 20/s. Also to Johanna my daughter 20/s. Also to Emma my daughter 20/s. Also to Isabell my daughter 20/s. Residue I place at the disposal of my sons George and Laurence, my executors, and appoint John my elder son the supervisor of this my will.

Witnesses, John Crowther and William Mawd.

Pr. Feb. 17, 1484 by Laurence Watterhouse, power being reserved for George Watterhouse his co-executor.

Footnote: From his son John descended the Waterhouses of Shibden.

Will of JOHN WATTIRHOUSE, of Southowrome

8 Apr 1521 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 121 in Halifax Wills; Reg. Test. ix. 165

John Wattirhouse, of Southowrome, in the Parish of Halifax. To be beried within the chirch yerd of Greyngley with a white horse to my corspresand. Also I will that v merkes of my money and goodes be done for me aboute my beryall and almes dedes for my saul. Also I bequeath to ij prestes to pray for my saul, and my frendes saulles, to aither of them vj/s viij/d. The residue of my goodes I gif unto my fader, Edward Wattirhouse, whome I make my executor, and to hym I gif my wif and my childer fully trusting and praying hym to be good fader unto them, and also to be goode to the byers and sellers that I have occupied with, and with some thyng to releve them, for t'help and reste of my saull.

Thes witnes and recordes, John Blakeden, vicar of Greyngley, Richard Wattirhouse, my brother, William Andirton, my hoste.

Pr. Jul. 11, 1521, by Edward Wattirhouse.

Footnote: "Greyngley" was "Probably Gringley-on-the-hill, between Bawtry and Gainsborough, being 6 miles ESE from the former place."

Will of JOHN WATIRHOUSE, of Skyrcote

1 Feb 1533 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 192 in Halifax Wills; Reg. Test. xi. 152

John Watterhouse, of Skyrcotte, th'elder. To be beried in the churche of Sancte John Baptiste in Halifax. And I bequeath towardes the battillyng of Sowreby brig, iiij/s , also to the amendyng of Salterheble, xij d. Also I bequeath xl marc to my son, Sir Laurencie, and to my son in lawe, Henry Batte, evynly to be divided betwixt them too, the which Sir Laurencie and Henry, by the strenght of this my present will, I orden and makes my executors.
Also I bequeath to Edwarde Watterson, my son, v/li, to be paid to hym by Richard Haldworth, my son in lawe, in fyve yeres next after the decesse of John Haldworth, fader of the said Richard, by evyn porcons. Also I will that John Watterhouse, my son and heire, pay yerely to the said Edwarde, x s in a yere, duryng the lyve naturall of my lady Savell, late wif to Sir John Savell, knyght. And also I will that the said Edwarde have the on half of all the profittes and fermes the which I have in certeyne new houses late Gilberte Waterhouses, my brother, in Halifax, and also xxvj/s viij/d, of Richard Rookes, of Idle, and iij/s iiij/d, of John Watterhouse, of the same, the whiche they owe me. To the said Edwarde, my son, all my shappyn clothes. To Roberte Watterhouse, son of Gilbert Watterhouse, my broder, and to Dorothe Watterhouse, aither of them, xl/s, to be paid unto them by my executors after theire discretion, when they shall thinke it nedfull. To Roberte Watterhouse, my son, thies somes of my dettes foloing, that is to saye, of maister John Lacy, iiij/li, of Thomas Sayvell, of Eckesley, xl/s, of Thomas Sayvell, his son, xx/s, of Gilbert Watterhouse, my son, vij/li; and, further, I will that the said Roberte, my son, shall have other of my dettes to maike furth the somes abovesaid xx/li, by the discretion of my executors. To Isabell Elistones a bed and a hyve of bees, to Agnes Northend, a saltyngfat and on arke, to John Watterhouse, my son, an ambre and a chymnett of yrne, to Margarete, my doughtor, a bed, a hyve of bees, and x/s of money, to Sibell, my doughtor, a bed and x/s of money, and to Sir Lawrencie, my son, a bed. And where I have yeven a surrender of xx/s yerely rent into t'handes of Lawrencie Watterhouse, of Sowerby brig, it is my will that the said Laurencie shall surrendre the same rent to th'use of my said executors and theire heires for ever, to th'entent they shall performe therwith alsuchthinges as I have shewed them by worde of mouthe in my lif tyme; the whiche, my executors, I will shall have the ordre and disposyng of the residue of my goodes, not above yeven then bequeathed, as they by theire discretion shall thinke most expedient for the helthe of my sall.

Thies wittenes present, William Burnley, John Boithes, of Skyrcote.

Pr. Sep. 23, 1534, by Sir Laurence Watirhouse, priest, son, and Henry Batte, son in lawe.

Footnote: 61. Probably the son of Robert Waterhouse, of Skircoat, whose will has been given (No. 42). His dau. Margaret, married Henry Batte of Birstall, and his dau., Sibill, became the wife of Richard Haldesworth.


12 Mar 1535 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 199 in Halifax Parish Wills; Reg. Test. xi. 197

Edwarde Waterhouse, in the paryshe of Halifax. In the fyrste, I gyf and bequeathe my saule to God Almyghtie, oure ladye Saincte Marie, and to all the Halowes in heven, and my bodye to bee beryed in the churche or churche yearde of Saincte John Baptiste of Halifax. To the vicare of the same churche, according to the acte of Parliamente, as ys inacted. Residew of all my goodes, not bequeathed then gyuen, my dettes and funerall expenses paide and done, I frelie gyf and bequeathe to Richard Waterhouse, my sone, wiche Richard I make my full executor.

Thies wittenesses, Sir William Stede, Sir Edwarde Hoppaye, Sir John Helywell, Thomas Ecclesley, William Beamounte.

Pr. May 15, 1536, by Ric. Waterhouse, son.

Will of LAURENCE WATTERHOUSE, of Warley, Yoman

20 Nov 1535 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 213 in Halifax Wills; Reg. Test. xi. 284

Laurence Watterhouse, of Warley, yoman. To bee beried inthe churche yearde of Sancte John Baptiste in Halifax, orels where as it shall pleas God to calle me to his mercie by dethe naturall.

I wyll that Roberte Watterhouse, of Halyfax, George Bothes, of Northowrome, John Smythe, of Helme, yonger, Umfray Watterhouse, of Schelf, and Thomas Lyster, of Halifax, and theire heires, feoffes of and in one mease, and ij acres, and one half acre of lande in Warley, within the graveshipe of Sowerbie, in the tenure of Edmunde Oldfelde; and also of and in one close of lande and wodde in the said Warley conteynyng an acre and an half, in the tenure of me the said Laurence, lying nere Meirecloughe; and also of and in xx/s of yearelie rente goyng forthe of oder meases, landes, milnes, and waters, in Warley, to bee paid by Roger Watterhouse, my sone, his heires and assignes for ever, at the feastes of Pentecoste and Sancte Martyne in Winter by even porcones; and of and in xx/d rent in Pygyll layne in Sowerbye to bee payd by John Dixson, of Bentleyrode and his heires for ever; and of and in xvj yeardes in lengthe and eight yeardes in breide, every yearde conteynyng iij feite, in Sowerby, nighe Fairbanke lathe, for performancie and fulfilling of my laste wyll and testamente, the whiche heraftre enseweth, that is to witte, fyrste I wyll that they [the] said Roberte Watterhouse, and all oder his coefeoffes of and in all and singuler the premisses to th'use of me the said Laurencie during my lyfe naturall. And imediatelie aftre my decease I wyll that the said feoffes shall stande seased and bee feoffes of and in all the premisses (excepte onelie the rente of xx/d in Pygyll lane in Sowerbye) unto such tymes as the said feoffes and theire heyres have paide and delivered to Cristofer Watterhouse, and George Watterhouse, my sones, twentie marces indifferentlie betwixte theme by even porcones to be payd unto theme as shortelie aftre as it may bee receved of all the landes, rentes, and tenementes aforesaid, aftre as my dettes bee dischardged and payd. And if it chance the said Cristofer or George to departe forthe of thys worlde, sole or unmaried, on this side and before that the said some of xx marces bee fullie paid indifferentlie betwixte them, then I will that the longer lyver of them have the residewe of the said xx marces, at that tyme unpaide. And oderwise, that the wyfe and children of the said Cristofer or George, so departed, have the residewe of his portione. And further I will that the said feoffes stande seased and bee feoffes of and in the mease, and the ij acres and half acre of lande in the tenure of Edmunde Oldfelde; and of and in the close of lande and wood of an acre and a half in the tenure of me the said Laurence Watterhouse; and of and in th'one half of the xvj yeardes of lande in lengthe and eight yeardes in breide in Sowerbie with the messe house theire, to th'use of Gilberte Watterhouse, my sone, and his heires for ever. And for defaute of suche ishue, to Cristofer and George Watterhouse, my sones, and there heires for ever. Or oderwise, the said Gilberte, Cristofer, and George, my sones, (yf they neide to make any shyfte of the same landes) to bee ordered concernyng the same by Margarete, my wyfe, and Roberte Watterhouse, of Halifax, my nephey.

And of th'oder half of the said xvj yeardes of land in lengthe and viij yeardes in breide, and messe house aforesaid, to th'use of Roger Watterhouse, my sone, and hys heyres for ever, yf he bee good, honeste, and reasonable with hys moder and bretherne, and oderwise to bee ordered as the said feoffes shall thinke beste. And that the said feoffes shall stand seased and bee feoffes of the xx/s rente to bee payd by the said Roger Watterhouse, hys heyres and assignes for ever, to th'use of Briane Watterhouse, my sone, and his heires for ever, and for defaute of suche ishue, to th'use of the said Cristofer and George, my sones, and there heyres for ever. And that the said feoffes and theire heyres for ever, after my dettes payd, and all oder thinges in my laste wyll and testamente comprehended, fullye dischardged and acquite, shall stande seased and bee feoffes of and in all and singuler the premisses to th'use of my said children and theire heyres for ever, accordinglie as is said, or oderwise make my said children and ther heres suche state and helde in the premisses accordinglye as they my saide feoffes or the longeste lyvers of theme, and Margarete my wyfe shall thynke conveniente. And also I wyll that the said feoffes, and theire heyres for ever, shall stande seased and bee feoffes of and in the xx/d yearlie rente in Pygyll layne, to th'use and behove of the chapell nighe Sowerbye bridge, in Warley, for xx yeares fullye compleite and ended, to bee disposed by the said feoffes and theire heyres for ever, as they shall thinke beste for t'helthe of my saule.

Also I will that John Smythe, of Helme, yonger, and Roger Watterhouse, my sone, bee dischardged of ther obligacone, that they stande bounde in for me, according to the true intente, effecte, and meanyng, of th'awarde therof mayde for the paymente of xx marces with the fyrste rentes, ishues, and profettes, that shall come, renewe, and bee receved, of all the said landes after my decease. To Briane, my sone, one paire of walker sheires that he workes withall nowe. Residewe of all my goodes to Margarete, my wyfe, and Cristofer and George, my sones, whome I make my full executors.

Witnesses, Sir John Paslewe, chaplane, John Lister, del Grene, in Halifax, and Edmonde Oldfelde, of Warley.

Pr. Feb. 6, 1537, by the exors.

Will of RICHARD WATERHOUSE, of Shipden

20 Dec 1538 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 224 in Halifax Parish Wills; Reg. Test. xi. 373

Richard Watterhouse, of Shibeden, within the parishe of Halifax. To be buried in the churche of Halifax, dedicate to God in the memorie of the holie prophete Sanct John Baptiste. My mortuarie according to the actes of oure soveraigne lorde kinge Henrie the viij. To Jennet Haldesworthe, doughter to John Haldesworthe, of the Strandes, one cowe now in the handes of Laurence Yngham, or elles one in the handes of Schay sone, of Sedall. To Margaret Estburne, my servante, ij/s. To the said Jenet Haldesworthe, vj/s, viij/d.
To Agnes Haldesworthe one cow now in the handes of the saiden John Haldesworthe, of Strandes. To the saide Agnes iij/s iiij/d in the handes of hym the saide John Haldesworthe. To Umfray Watterhouse one my lange chist in my chamber at Halifax.
To John Haldesworthe one chist in my saide chambre, and the revercion of all my holl goodes I give unto Elizabeth, my wif, and unto the saide Umfray, my saide sone, whiche I ordane myn executors.

Thes wittenesses, Robert Waterhouse, John Longbothume, and John Northende.

Pr. Jun. 3, 1539, by the exors.

Will of RICHARD WATTERHOUS, clothier

27 May 1540 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 242 in Halifax Parish Wills; Reg. Test. xi. 426-2.

Richard Watterhouse, of the parishe of Halifax, clothier. To be buried in Cristen sepulture within the parishe churche wher it shall please Almightie God I to decese.
Itm. I give and bequeathe to the highe altare wher it shall fortone me to be buried, for my prevy tithes necligentely forgotten, xij/d. To Richarde Watterhouse, the sone of James Watterhouse, fyve markes, to Agnes Watterhouse, his suster, v. markes, to Jennet, his suster, v. markes, and to Margaret, his suster, other v. markes, to be delyvered imediatelie after my decease; and if it happen any of theme to decease, that then I will that the stoke of hyme or theme so departed to remayne emonges theme beinge alyve. Also I bequeathe to the childeren of Richarde Hanson, my brother in lawe, twentie markes to be equally and egally parted and devyded, and to be delyvered to them when they shall come to the adge of eghten yeres, and if it shall happen that any of theme to die befor they come to the saide adge, that then my will is that the stoke of hyme or theme so departede to come amonges them beinge alyve. To John Mawde, my kinsman, twentie markes. To James Butrode fortie shillinges.
To Elisabethe, my welbilovede wif, the thirde parte of all my goodes after the laudable custome of this realme of Englande, and also the thirde part of all my landes wher so ever they be, for terme of hir lif.
To my sone in lawe, Nicholas Belden, and to Sibell, his wif, one hundreth markes, which I will to remayne in the handes of one William Beamonte, to the said Nicholas Belden come to th'age of xxj. yeres. And if it shall forton the said Nicholas to die befor he shall come to th'age of xxj. yeres, then my will is that my doughter Sibell to have and inyoy the said hundrethe markes to her owne behof.
To Agnes, my doughter, one hundrethe poundes to be delyveride to her at hir mariage.
To Margaret, my doughter, a nother hundrethe poundes, also to be delyveride to her at the day of her mariage, and if it forton the said Margaret to die befor she be maried, that then my will is that the saide hundreth poundes be egally parted emonges the next of my kynred at the discretion of my executors.
To Elisabethe Watterhous, my brothers doughter, thirten poundes, sex shillinges, and eght pens. To Georgie Conyers, of the citie of London, mercer, thirten poundes vj/s viij/d.
The residue of all my goodes, my dettes paide and my funerall expenses performed, and all other costes and chardges concernynge the execution of this my present last will paid and done, I bequeathe hollie to James Watterhouse, mysone, whome I make and orden my full and sole executor, he therof o dispose for my saull and all Cristen saules suche parte as shall pleas hym and no more. Saidde William Beamont, my oversear.

In witnes, per me Thomas Cordale, scriptorem l're Curialis Ciuitatis London', Richardes Wilkynson, clothier, Gilbert Haldesworthe, John Mawde, per me Georgie Conyers, per me William Bull, clerk.

Pr. Jul. 12, 1540, by James Watterhous, son.

Footnote: "No entry that can refer to him in the Burial Register at Halifax. He probably died in London."

Will of EDWARD WATTERHOUSE, of Skircote

12 Jun 1543 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 293 in Halifax Parish Wills; Reg. Test. xi. 698

Edwarde Watterhouse, of Skircote, within the parishe of Hallifax. To be buried in the parishe churche yerde at Hallifax, and I bequeath for my mortuarie accordinge unto the kinges gracie actes.
I assigne unto Johan, my wife, the thirde parte of all my landes and goodes accordinge to the laudable custome of Englande. Also I bequeathe unto Johan and Sibell, my doughters, xxiij/s iiij/d whiche John Mawde, of Cownall, doth owe unto me.
To John, my sonne, one girdell which dide belonge unto his mother. To the saide John one arke standinge at William Sharpe house, and I will that the saide John make no forther chalenge but holde hyme content with suche landes and goodes as I have given and bequeathed unto hyme in tymes past.
To Edwarde, my sone, my blewe jackett, my hate, my cape, and one pare of hose cloithe; also one kiste, one hoode, and my pressinge bordes. Also I assigne unto the saide Edwarde one seitt in the saide parishe churche whiche I bought of John Watterhouse, late of Newe house. I will the saide Edwarde be incurted in one my mease with certayne landes belonginge to the same called Wynley Roide accordinge unto a surrender of the same whiche I have gyven upe into t'handes of John Mawde to the same intente, and I will the saide Edwarde pay unto Isabell, my doughter, or to her assignes fourtie shillinges within the spacie of towe yeres next after he be incowrted in the saide landes.
To the saide Isabell, my doughter, one kist whiche pertenyde unto her mother, and also one belte, with certayne kirchives and napekyns nowe in the saide kiste.
I will that incontynent after the saide Edwarde, my sone, be incourted in the saide landes called Wyley Roide, then he delyver unto th'use of James, my sone, and to his heres for ever, possessione and season in one mease and tenemente nowe in the tenure of William Sharpe, and all other assurances as the saide Edwarde haithe in the same; and I will that he the saide James, my sone, paye unto Nicholas Watterhouse, my sone, the one half and full valure of all his childe parte in my goodes due unto hyme the saide James after my decese, and to be paide within the spacie of one yere next after he the saide James be laufully possessed in the saide landes without any forther delaye. Item I assigne unto the saide James, my sone, half an acre of lande lienge in Hallifax whiche I purchessed of the lorde of the same. To the saide James and Nicholas, my sonnes, ij. jackettes.

The reversion of all my goodes I bequeath to Edwarde, James, Nicholas, Isabell, Johan, and Sibell, my childer, equally to be devyded emonges theme. The saide Edwarde, James, Nicholas, Isabell, Johan, and Sibell my executors.

Thes witnesses, William Kinge, Robert Thorpe, Edmonde Watterhouse and William Brodeley.

Pr. Jul. 14, 1543, by Edward and Isabell, children, power being reserved to James, Nicholas, Johan, and Isabell, children, in minority.

Footnote: that last "Isabell" must be in error for Sibell, "though the entry in the Act Book reads exactly the same as that in the Register."


21 Aug 1545 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 8 in Halifax Parish Wills, vol 2; Reg. Test. xiii. 57

Umfray Watterhouse, of Shelf within the parishe of Hallifax. To be buried in the churche yerde at Hallifax.

Itm. I will, devyse, bequeathe, and assigne by this my present will unto Anne, my wif, John, Richarde, Georgie, Laurencie, and Edwarde, my sonnes, all my meases, landes, rentes, and tenementes sett, beinge, and lienge at Thornes within the parishe of Wakefelde, within the townshipe of Sorebie, and also within the saide townshipe of Shelf, to be hade and holden to the saide Anne, John, Ric., Georgie, Laurencie, and Edwarde, and to ther heres to th'entent that they do well and trulie content, paye, and dischardge all my dettes, legaces, and bequestes here after followinge with the first farmes, ishues, values, and profettes that shalbe hade of, in, or upon any of the premisses. First I will that they paye or cause to be paide to Agnes Mawde widue, or to here laufull assignes xxij/li whiche I owe unto her.
Also I will that they in like manner pay unto John Haldesworth, of Blakhill, other xxij/li whiche also I do owe unto hyme condicionally for certayne landes. Forthermore I bequeathe unto Sibell and to Anne, my doughters, that is to witt, to either of theme, xx/li in full contentacon of ther holl childes partes; the saide some of xl/li I will be paide unto theme by the saide Anne, my wif, John, Richarde, Georgie, Laurencie, and Edwarde of the first rentes, etc., whiche they or any of theme shall receyve or take of, in, and upon any of the saide meases, landes, and tenementes incontynent after my saide dettes be paide, provyded alwaye that if either of theme the saide Sibell or Anne dye and departe before they come to lawfull adge, then I will that the parte of here or theme so decessed be hade and equally devyded unto the saide John, Richarde, Georgie, and Laurencie, my saide sonnes. I bequeath unto Richarde Dicconson and to Elisabeth, his wif, my doughter, iij/li vj/s viii/d to be paide in like manner of the rentes, ishues, values, and proffettes to be taken of my saide meases etc., incontynent after my saide dettes and bequestes be hollie content and paide.

And forthermore I will that after all my saide dettes, legacies, and bequestes be hollie content, dischardged, and paid accordinglie, that then the saide Anne, my wif, have all the saide meases, landes, etc., called Thornes hollie unto here duringe all here naturall lif with also the thirde parte of all my other landes, rentes, etc., beforsaide duringe here naturall lif, unto the whome also I bequeathe the thirde parte of all my goodes after the lawdable custome of Englande. Also after the decese of the saide Anne, my wif, I bequeathe all the saide meases, landes, etc., lienge att Thornes unto the saide John Watterhouse, myne eldest sonne, and to his heres for ever; and forthermore I bequeathe all my saide meases, landes, and tenementes in Sorebie unto the saide Richarde, my secunde sonne, and to his heres for ever, after the saide dettes and legacies be clerlie paide, accordinge unto surrender which I have gyven upe with a strawe into the handes of Richarde Mawde and Robt. Dicconson before the makinge herof to the same intent. I bequeath the one half of all my landes, meases, and tenementes which I purchased of John Drake and William Haldworthe unto Georgie Watterhouse, my thirde sone, and to his heres for ever; and the other half therof I bequeathe unto the saide Laurencie, my fourte sone, and to his heres for ever, dettes and legacies to be first paide therof accordinglie. Provyded alwaye that if the part and half of the saide meases, etc, before assigned to the saide Laurencie be not hereafter clerelie bought of John Haldworth then I will that he the saide Laurencie have all the meases in Hallifax called Ratton Rawe to hyme and to his heres for ever with also the saide some of xxij/li before tobe paide to the saide John Haldworthe. And finally I bequeath unto the saide Edwarde, my yongest sone, all my meases, landes, and tenementes called Waide House to be hade to hyme and to his heres for ever, dettes and legaces first beinge paide therof like and as of the other.

The revertion of all my goodes I bequeathe unto the saide John, Richarde, Georgie, and Laurencie, my sonnes, equally to be devyded emonges theme; and I ordane and make the saide Anne, my wif, John, Richarde, Georgie, Laurencie, and Edwarde, my sonnes, my executors of this my present will, unto whome I give chardge and commaundement to execute the same accordinglie as they and every of theme will aunswere unto me before God Almightie.

Thes witnesses, Richarde Hemyngwaye, Ric. Ottes, Richarde Mawde, and Robert Brighouse.

Pr. Oct. 3, 1545, by Anne, relict, John and Richard, sons, power being reserved to George, Lawrence, and Edward, sons, in minority.

Footnotes: He was the son of Ric. Waterhouse, of Shipden. Will i. 224. (Hunter's Fam. Min. Gent.) 1545. Aug. 25. Homefridus Wat'house de Schelff sepult." (Hx. Reg.)
Oct. 28, 38 Hen. VIII. John, son and heir of Umfray Wat'hous, paid x/d heriot for a moiety of 3 acres of land abutting upon Thornes-more, and 1 rood of land in Thornesholme in graveship of Thornes, after the death of the said Umfray. (W.M.C.R.) Nov. 17. I Mary. John, son and heir of Umfray Waterhous and Anne, his wife, paid ij/s iiij/d heriot for a moiety of a close called Morecroft containing 2 acres, and a moiety of 5 acres and 1 rood in the field of Thornes, after the death of the said Anne. (W.M.C.R.)

Will of JOHN WATIRHOUSE, of Skyrcote

26 Jan 1545 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 21 in Halifax Parish Wills, vol 2; Reg. Test. xiii. 195

John Waterhouse, of Skircoite within the parishe of Hallifaxe. To be buried in the churche or churche yerde of Sayncte John Baptiste in Hallifaxe. Also I give and bequeath unto Anne Waterhouse and Jane Waterhouse, doughters of Edwarde Waterhouse, my broder, to aither of them fortie shillinges to be paid unto them by Eliz., my wif, at suche tyme as my saide wif shall thinke convenient, if they the saide Anne and Jayne wilbe councellid and orderid by my saide wif.

Also it is my will that the saide Elsabeth, my wif, shall have and occupie all that my half parte of one corne mylne callid Merecloughbothome mylne withe all the proffettes and comodities to the same belonginge immediatelie after my decease unto suche tyme as John Waterhouse, my sone and heire, bee and come to th'aige of xxj yeres, and immediatelie after my said sone and heire be and come to th'aige of xxj yeres then I will that the saide halfe pairte of the saide corne mylne withe all that to it pertenyth be had and occupied evenly betwixte my said wif and my saide sone and heire duringe the lif of my saide wif, and after hir decease I will that the said John, my sone, and his assignes shall have and occupie all the saide half pairte of the saide mylne with appurtenances duringe all suche termes of yeres as shalbe then to come and to spende in the same. Providid alway that if my saide wif marie againe after my decease then she to have noo pairte of my saide mylne but it to remayne to the said John, my sone, hollie, all my saide pairte therof. Also I will that the saide Elsabeth, my wif, shall haue the thirde pairte of all the proffettes [and] termes of yeres of landes and tenementes and all other bairgaynes that I have or oughte to have within the countie of Yorke duringe hir naturall lif.

Also it is my will that if Michaell Waterhouse, my yonger sone, die before he come to th'aige of xxj yeres withoute issue of his bodie lawfully begotten, that then all suche interest and terme of yeres as I haue of and in one tenement callid Wodhouse in Skircoite shall remane unto the said Elsabeth, my wif, duringe hir widueheade, and after that she be maried agane or die then the same to remayne to the saide John, my sone and heire. And if it happen the saide John, my sone, to die withouten isshue before he come to lawfull aige then the same Wodhouse to remayne to Robert Waterhouse, sone of Gilberte Waterhouse, my uncle, duringe suche yeres as is then to spend in the same.

Also I will that the said John, my sone, and all thoise whiche shall occupie the saide corne mylne shall have, use, and occupie stone, tymbre, ways, and gaytes in and upon the grounde callid Woodhouse as haithe beyne usid and accustomed. Also I bequeathe unto the said John, my sone, all my tearmes of yeres whiche I have in the walke mylnes in Northelande. Itm. I give and bequeathe unto the saide John, my sone, all interest and tearmes of yeres whiche I have in one tenement callid Grenehouse in Baildon. Itm. I give unto the said John, my sone, too greate arkes, a greate pressorre, sexe paire of walker sheres, one yron chymneyth, iiij paire of loomes, too greate turne presses, and iiij paire of tentoures.

Itm. I will that yf any of my iij doughters die before they come to lawfull aige or be maried that then the thirde pairte of hir or their childes pairte so decessid shall remayne to the saide John, my sone.

Said Elsabeth, my wif, Isabell, Effame, and Sibell, my doughters, my hooll executrices unto whome I give the residue of all my goodes after that my dettes be paide and my funeralles dischargid to their owne uses. Also I ordane and maike my trustie frendes Henrie Batte, my brother in lawe, Henry Aikerode, Robert Waterhouse, my broder and Richarde Waterhouse supervisoures.

Thies witnesses, Henrie Batte, Richarde Waterhouse, John Bothe, Willm. Burneley, and John Saltonstall.

Pr. Aug. 19, 1546, by Elisabeth, relict, Isabell, and Effame, daughters, power being reserved to Sibell, daughter, in minority.

Will of EDMUND WATERHOUSE, of Sowerby

7 Jun 1551 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 79 in Halifax Parish Wills, vol 2; Reg. Test. xiii. 799

Edmond Waterhouse, of Sowerby of the parishe of Hallifax. To be buried in the churche yerd at Hallifax. Also I ordayne and make Henrie Waterhouse and Edmond Waterhouse, my sonnes, my wholl executors, to whom also I give all my goodes with all my debtes where soever then can be founde, payng and dischrdgynge all my debtes owtewarde. Also I give unto John Waterhouse, James son, xiij/s iiij/d. Also I ordayne and make John Gawkerroger, Richarde Gawkerroger, and John Waterhouse, my overseers. In witnes wherof I have caused this my last will to be maid and to the same have setto my seale and marke.

Thes witnes, Christopher Roo, Edmond Tylson, and Richarde Leiche, mi'ster.

Pr. Nov. 25, 1551, by Henry and Edmund Waterhouse.


16 Mar 1556 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 161 in Halifax Parish Wills, vol 2; Reg. Test. xv. i. 207

Eliz. Waterhous, widowe. To be buried within the chapell of chapell yerd of Sancte John Evangelist at Bayldon. It. I give to the chapell of Baildon x/s. It. I give to the parishe churche of Hallifax x/s. It. I give to my son in lawe Nicolas Baildon children, every on of them, fyve markes a peice, and if ther comme any thing at any of them being at under aige then I will that the said parte or partes be equally dyvided emonge them being of live. Also I give to the mending of high ways about Baildon vj/s viij/d. It. to the mending of Raystricke brige vj/s viij/d. It. I give to Margret Holling xij/d. To Agnes Waterhous xij/d. To Robert Raner children iij/li vj/s viij/d to be divided equally emong them, which I will it be paid when Marmaduke Raner paith the xviij/li ij/s vj/d to my executors whiche I lent unto him and not unto then. The residew of allmy goodes, my dettes paid and I brought furth, I give it to Nicolas Baildon, my son in lawe, and to Sibell, his wif, whom I make my holl executors.

Thes beynge witnesses, Willm. Steid, John Hudson, John Stied, Ric. Yllyngworth, and Sir Ric. Cawdrey, my ghostly father.

Pr. Apr. 13, 1557, by the exors.

Footnote: She was the widow of Ric. Waterhouse (Will i. 242)

Will of JOHN WATERHOUSE, of Hollinges in Warley

14 Apr 1556 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 146 in Halifax Wills, vol 2; Reg. Test. xv. i. 75

John Watterhowse, of Hollynges in Warley in the county of Yorke, gent. To be buried in the parishe churche of Hallifax. Item I bequeath to the vicar of the same churche for my mortuary after the rate of the kinge and quenes statutes of mortuaryes afore this tyme ordeyned established, and provided. It. I assigne and graunt by thes presentes to Agnes Grenewod, wif of James Grenewod, my doughter, Isabell Waterhouse, my doughter, and Jane Midgeley, wif of Thomas Mydgeley, my doughter, toward theyre lyvinges, prefermentes, mariages, mariage goodes, and supportacons the reuersion after my decesse of all my tythes of corne and hay, woll and lambes, from my said death yerly commyng, growinge, and encreassyng of, and in the townes and towneshippes of Stansfeld, Waddesworth, Mydgeley, and Warley, somtyme perteynyng to the late surrendred monastery of Lewes in the county of Sussex, and the reversion after my deceasse of all suche rentes, money, and fermes as ar, shold, or ought to be paid for the said tythes of corne and haye growing and encreasyng there. And also I assigne, will, and graunt the reversion after my decesse of all tythes of woll and lambes from my said deceasse yerly commyng and encreasing within the towneshippes of Ovenden, Skeircote, Halifax, Northowrom, Heptonstall , Southowrom, Hyperhom, Shek [sic; =Shelf], and Brighouse to my said iij doughters and children.
It. I will and assigne the reversion after my decesse of all my fre rentes, whiche ar yerly paid and dew to be paid, as all copieholders, in the townes and towneshippes of Halifax and Heptonstall of and for the landes and tenementes there, to my said iij doughters and children, there executors, and assignes, unto they have receyved and taken up of all and singuler the premisses the som of eight score poundes of good and lawfull payment of England, that is to wit, to the said Agnes xx/li, to the said Isabell one hundreth poundes, and to the said Jane xl/li. And immediatly after th'end of suche yeres as my said doughters haue receyved and taken up emongest them the said somes of the profettes and fermes of the premisses after the yerly rentes and fermes of xxvij poundes and ten poundes payd to the leasors and owners of the said tenementes, as by certyne indentures therof made to me the said John Waterhouse, or any other to my use, bering date the vj day of June in the xxvij yere of the reigne of the late king of famose memory, Henry th'Eight, appereth, and therin more evidently is declared, I will, assigne, and graunt the reuersion after my iij doughters haue receyved the said somes of the premisses, as is said, of the said tythes of corne and hay, woll and lambes, also the said fre rentes and anuall rentes commyng and growing of the landes and tenementes of the said copyholders, as is said, to Antony Waterhouse, my yonger son, his executors and assignes, all the residewe of the yeres then to spend whiche I have and faule to have by the said indentures, paing always during the said yeres then to spend suche fermes, rentes, and charges at tymes usuall to the awners of the said tenementes as fall to be done and paid and as appere by the said indentures, provided alway, that if any of my said iij doughters do happen to dye before they or any of them have receyved there partes and porcons of the said viij/xx poundes, that then and from thens the parte or partes of her or them so decessed shall remayn and go to the said Antony Waterhouse, his executors, and assignes, during all suche yeres then to spend in the said tenementes, the said Antony, his executors, and assignes payng suche parte of the said annuall rentes and fermes as fall to be paid for her or them so deceased, any article or articles herafore expressed to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided and excepted also that if the said Antony happen to dye within th'age of xxj yeres and without issue of his body lawfully begotten, that then the reversion after my decesse and immediatly after the som of the said viij/xx poundes paid, as is said, and also after the death of the said Antony, [of] the said tythes of corne, hay, woll, and lambes and also the said yerly rentes, as is said, shall remayn and go to the right heires of me, the said John Waterhouse, the testator, during all suche yeres and termes then to spend, payng therfore suche rentes, fermes, and charges as fall to be done and paid for the same.

The residew of all my goodes and cattells after my dettes, legacies, and funerall expenses made, paid, and borne of t'holl I give and bequeath to the said Antony Waterhouse and Isabell Waterhouse, whom I ordayne and make myne executors that they ordayn and dispose herin for the helth of my soull and otherwise as shall beseme them best.

Supervisors of this my said last will I ordayn the said John Waterhouse, myne eldest son, Thomas Clif, Gilbert Haldesworth, and John Mawde, of Tremynghm., that they se at this my said last will truly be executed. In witnes herof to this my said last will I haue setto my seale and subscribed my hand the day and yere first abovesaid.

Thes witnesses, Edward Mawde, of Warley, James Spyvye, of the same, and Walter Otes.

Pr. Nov. 23, 1556, by Isabell, daughter, and Isabell, relict, tutrix or guardian of Antony, co-exor., in minority.

Footnote: Testator was the son of Richard Waterhouse, of Hollins, by his wife Isabel, dau. of Nicholas Savile, of Newhall, and he married Isabel, dau. of Gilbert Otes. (Hunter's Fam. Min. Gent.)
"1556. Apr. 19. Joh'es Wat'hous de Warley sepult." (H'x. Reg.)
Testator makes no mention of his lands in his will, but the following notes show the disposition of his copyhold property.
Apr. 17, 7 Edw. VI. John Waterhous, of Hollynges, sen., surrendered one messuage and 9 acres of land called Styes, one messuage lying near Sourebybrigge, and one garden and 5 roods of land in Warley, and one close called Cherytreis and one messuage lying near le Hollynges, and all the lands and tenements now in the tenure of Edmund Stancefeld in Warley to the use of John Waterhous, son of the said John, and Dorothy, his wife, dau. of John Lacy, armiger, and the heirs of the said John and Dorothy, and for default remainder to the said John, jun., and his heirs, remaincler to the said John, sen., and his heirs. On the same date, John Waterhous, of Hollynges, sen., surrendered the reversion after his death of his chief messuage called Hollynges and all his lands belonging to the said messuage, except one close called Brodeynge, and another parcel of land containing 1/2 rood in Warley to the use of John Waterhous, son of the said John, and his heirs, and for default remainder to the right heirs of the said John, sen., for ever. (W.M.C.R.)
Jun. 19, 2 and 3 Phil. and Mary. John Waterhous, of Hollyns, surrendered the reversion after his death of one messuage called Bache with all the lands belonging to the same containing 6 acres and 1 rood in Warley, and the reversion of one parcel of land with a house upon it in the graveship of Soureby to the use of Antony, son of the said John, and his heirs. My. 3, 3 and 4 Phil. and Mary. Anthony had the reversion of a close called Brodeynge in Warley. (W.M.C.R.)
The court rolls also show how the dowry of the widow in testator's lands was provided. Jun. 19, 2 and 3 Phil. and Mary. John, son of John Waterhous, late of Hollyns, surrendered two messuages near Ho11yns and certain land there in Warley for the third part of all the lands and tenements at Hollyns, and the moiety of one messuage called Styes and the moiety of all the lands belonging to the same messuage for the third part of all the lands and tenements, late John Waterhouse's, at Styes and of all his lands, etc., at Luddyngden, and for the third part of xiij/s iiij/d yearly rent going out of a messuage and lands near Sourebybrigge, and the third part of one corn mill upon the Water of Rybborne in a place called Askehilbothome in Northlande, and the moiety of all the profits accruing from the said mill, and the third part of certain parcels of land in Northlande to the use of Isabell Waterhous, widow, late wife of John Waterhous, of Hollyns, deceased, and her assigns during her life in the name of her dowry of all the lands and tenements late the said John Waterhouse's, her husband's. (W.M.C.R.)

Will of EDMONDE WATERHOUSE, of Sowerby

24 Sep 1558 Halifax Parish, West Riding, Yorkshire, England

No. 216 in Halifax Parish Wills, vol 2; Reg. Test. xv. iii. 212

Edmonde Waterhouse, of Sourbye in the parishe of Hallifax. To be buried in the churche yerd of Hallifax, and my mortuary to the vicar of the same churche according to the rate of the late prynce of moste famose memorye King Henry th'Eight statutes.
It. I give unto Agnes, my syster, now wif of Edwarde Stokedaill, v markes. It. I give unto John Gawkeroger xl/s. It. I give unto James Waterhouse, my brother, xxxiij/s iiij/d. It. I give unto Edmonde Waterhouse, son of the said James, xxxiij/s iiij/d, and the said som to be put into the handes and kepinge of John Gawkeroger unto the said Edmond shall comme and be of t'aige of xxj yeres, and if he the said Edmonde decesse before he be xxj yeres of aige then the said xxxiij/s iiij/d to be repayd to my executor.
It. I give unto John Waterhouse, son of James, vj viij over and besides xiij/s iiij/d whiche was due to the said John by the last will and testament of Edmond Waterhouse, my father, decessed, and the sayde severall somes of vj/s viij/d and xiij/s iiij/d to be put into the handes of the said John Gawkeroger unto the said John Waterhouse, son of James, shall com and be of the aige of xxj yeres, and if he the said John decesse before he be xxj yeres of aige then the said vj/s viij/d and xiij/s iiij/d to retorne to my executor.
It. I give to Jenet Waterhouse, doughter of the said James, vj/s viij/d. It. I give to John Waterhouse, of Myrywalles, x/s. It. I give to Ric. Mychell ij/s. It. to the wife of Edmond Brige ij/s. It. to the wif of James Theyker ij/s. It. I give to Robt. Theykar ij/s. It. to the wif of Willm. Eygland ij/s. To John Rayner ij/s. To Thomas Tylson iij/s iiij/d. To Brian Barbur ij/s. To James Waterhouse, the son of Edward, xij/d. To Nycolas Waterhouse xij/d. To Jenet Waterhouse and Sybell Waterhouse, either of them, xij/d. To Xpor. Roo iij/s iiij/d. The residewe of all my goodes, after my true dettes paid and my funerall expenses discharged, I frely give and bequeth unto Henry Waterhouse, my brother, whom I do orden and make my executor to dispose therin as shall beseme him best and otherwise to his most profett and advantage.

Wytnes, John Gawkeroger, Robt. Dixson, John Waterhouse, and Edward Ryley.

Pr. Jan. 18, 1558, by Henry Waterhouse, sole exor.


1 Apr 1598 York, England

Abstracted by John Lister in "History of Shibden Hall"

Shibden Hall line, and was lord of the Manor of Halifax, where he was born, but seems to have died in York, where he had a capital messuage in the parish of St. Helen's and St. Wilfrid's; he was buried at the church of St. Michael-le-Belfry, City of York. "Robert Waterhouse, of the City of York, Esqr." recites in the will that he has by deed indented of bargain and sale to be enrolled in H.M. High Court of Chancery bargained and sold to Robert Waterhouse, of Harthill, county of York, gent., and Thomas Waterhouse, of Braithwell, in the said county, gent., John Milner, of Whitwell, Co. Derby, gent., and to Nicholas Fernley, my servant, their heirs and assigns for ever, all that capital messuage in parish of St. Ellen's [sic] and St. Wilfred in the city of York, late in the tenure of Thomas Buskell, Esqre., decd., and now in the tenure of me, the said Robert Waterhouse, also a messuage and lands called the Riddinges, alias Hallyley, and all other my lands, etc., at Ackworth, in the Co. of York, on trust to sell and pay debts, etc. To my Jeremy and Tobye Waterhouse [l leave] £100. The residue of my personal estate (except my wife's chain of gold, and one other chain of gold which I have in my custody of my son Edward's which the Countess of Shrewsbury gave him) I give and bequeath to Jane, my daughter, towards her preferment in marriage. The education of my daughter Jane I do appoint to my good sister the Lady Gargrave, and to my said wife.

Whereas I have purchased to me and mine heirs of my cousin, Nicholas Waterhouse, all that messuage in Halifax called The Old Hall, late in the occupation of William Watmough, and now in the occupation of one Sheppard, one like tenement now in the occupation of Robert Bolland, 2 fulling milnes lying in Southowram, and certain cottages or tenements lying near to the milnes in Halifax aforesaid, all which premises are contained in one deed of assurance made for my said cousin Nicholas Waterhouse unto me, and which I had by deed of Bargain and Sale assured and conveyed to my said cousin Nicholas Waterhouse and his heirs, upon condition that if I do, on the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1599, pay to the said Robert Waterhouse, of Harthill, John Milner, Robert Waterhouse, of Parkhouse, and Henry Rainer, gentlemen, £100 according to a Bond of £800 made by me unto the said Robert Waterhouse, of Harthill, John Milner, Robert Waterhouse, of Parkhouse, and Henry Rayner, then I and my heirs to re-enter into the said Old Hall, fulling milnes, and last recited premises, which, if 1 live till that day I purpose to pay, and, if I die before the said then I require my said cousins, Nicholas Waterhouse, Robert Waterhouse, of Harthill, John Milner, and Robert Waterhouse, of Parkhouse, and Henry Rayner, that my said cousin, Nicholas Waterhouse would accept to take the said Old Hall, according to the said Deed made by me, unto him thereof in satisfaction of the said £400 which I agreed to pay for the same, I having bestowed in the reparations of the said (as Richard Harrison, my servant, who had dealing therein for me, informeth me), £40 at the least, I paying in the meantime, and therefore, I trust my said cousins will satisfy my said request and deliver to my executors the said £800 Bond, which is made for the payment of the said £400, for the said Old Hall, and other the re-cited premises.

I give to my son Edward Waterhouse, whom, I trust, will be a stay to my house, wife, and children, all my books, desiring him to allow what I have set down here or appointed to my three younger sons, his portion of things which I have left him [being] a great deal more than I had left me by my father, I having a purpose to do much more for him if God grant me life. I give to my wife her gold chain and one convenient bed with the furniture.

I desire my cousin, Robert Waterhouse, of Harthill, to take upon him the education of my son John; and my brother, Thomas Waterhouse, to take upon him the education of my son Richard until their full age. I appoint the aforesaid Robert Waterhouse, of Harthill, Thomas Waterhouse, the said John Milner, my brother Stephen Waterhouse, and said Michael Fearnley executors, and as supervisors my nephew Richard Gargrave, John Bennet, Doctor of Laws, my brothers, David Waterhouse and Philip Waterhouse, Mr. John West my brother-in-law, and my good friend Mr. John Bramhall, of Pontefract. Witnesses, Nicholas Fearnley, Vincent Waterhouse, Richard Harrison, and Edward Clapham. Dated 1st April, 1598.

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